
NeroGiardini runs in the Land of the Dragon. To say it in the context of theMicam is Bracalente Henry, managing director of brand shoes and clothing, which aims to replicate the success of China in Russia. “In China, we opened the first store in December 2012 and since then we have already opened five more. Later this year we plan to cut the ribbon with three other boutiques. It would be nice to be able to do there what we have done in the Russian market this year has tripled its turnover. ”

The brand which belongs to the spa Bag runs in the retail plan and has high hopes for this year: “In this exercise, we hope to balance the turnover of last season and next year we expect to return to pre-crisis growth rates “continues Bracalente.
In addition to looking towards East, NeroGiardini strengthens the European front with two new single-brand stores in Zurich and Frankfurt. And if the opening part of the project Swiss franchise, the German is instead opening the first flagship store in direct management abroad.

Finally, NeroGiardini prepares to celebrate the first 15 graduates of the training course for operators footwear organized in collaboration with the vocational training center Artigianelli of Fermo. The project, which supports the creation of skilled labor, “is proof that we strongly believe in young people, which alone can ensure a generational shift that we desperately need in the district,” concludes Bracalente.