Beginning and end of the next Serie A slip a week ahead of the current year and , with the new international calendar fixing on June 6 final of the Champions League, the Italian season will close the next day with the Cup final Italy , where the elimination rounds will be less concentrated . As decided by the Council of the League of Serie A, the next season will begin August 31, 2014 to close May 31, 2015 , will have three midweek games (all of Wednesday, September 24 , October 29 , April 29 ) and a Christmas break more of a long day than this season , since the last round of 2014 will be played Sunday, December 21, 2014 and will return to action on 5 and 6 January 2015. You will be returned to China for the Italian Super Cup , as in 2009 , 2011 and 2012 .

The first official event of the next season is to be held in Beijing on 23 August, unless a finalist is not engaged with the preliminaries of the European Cup : in that case, the final will be held in Rome on 24 August. Having invited the Parliament to insert the law on the stages of stability in the law , the president of the League of A Maurizio Beretta has announced that the Board has postponed the decision on the final of the Italian Cup and the Italian Super Cup in 2015.

” So far it has only reached the request of the Municipality of Milan at the Giuseppe Meazza to host the final of the Italian Cup in the year of the Expo – said Beretta – . The CONI president Giovanni Malagò has expressed a desire to play in Milan also the Italian Super Cup final but we have not received official requests .” ” From next year the new schedule will come into force which provides for the Uefa Champions League final 2015 June 6 and no more than in May. So – said the general director of the League Serie A Marco Brunelli – the Italian Cup final will take place June 7 , enabling you to spread the tournament with rounds no longer concentrated in the month of January as now .” The fourth round should contend in December, the second round in January, February and the quarterfinals at the two semi-finals in March and April . ” The formula of the Italian Cup ? Okay so because it is creating a lot of interest – said Brunelli – . Some small companies would like the group early on instead of the formula knockout . But until 2015 the format will not be changed .”