No! This was the response of the vertices of the prestigious New York Times to meet the requirement of a Chinese businessman to want to buy the historic newspaper of the Big Apple .
Money placed by the entrepreneur : a billion dollars to detect the New York newspaper . “We are not for sale ,” said a spokesman for the New York Times that he refused to even meet with the billionaire , the Chen Guangbiao .
Despite the door slammed in your face , even in lean times like these for the field of print media, the entrepreneur Guangbiao , 44 , did not give up and , agency sources , detect how it is looking for a partner American groped for climbing looking to buy at least one of the media in the United States.
Among the list of the favorites of the rich and enterprising entrepreneur even the Wall Street Journal of the Australian magnate Rupert Murdoch. “I am ready to talk with the Wall Street Journal to see if it is for sale ,” did you know Guangbiao in an interview granted to Chinese television .
Tuesday held a press conference in New York. He reiterated that the newspaper – the same one that won the Pulitzer for investigating the affairs of the family of former Chinese premier – should cover China in a ” more realistic and objective .” He sang : ” The whole world will witness my ‘ Chinese Dream ” – song of which he is the author – and has prepared the twist .
He presented the audience of journalists two women who set themselves alight in Tiananmen Square in 2001. Protesting against the government on close acolytes of the religion Falun Gong, banned by the Chinese government. Chen promised to pay them a plastic surgery that a sit-in practitioners of the religion he called ” an instrument of propaganda.”
Chen, who with assets of over $ 800 million ranks among the 400 richest people in China , has always been an ace in self- promotion. His hagiography want him born in ’68 from a poor family ( two of his brothers would die of starvation ) . Ten years after he started to sell water and ice to the farmers. With the money earned would be paid the university . In the early 90s it was already past the construction sites and the real estate industry. Then there was the construction of his career as a benefactor and the unconditional support of leadership.
In 2008, he lent his own means and their passion to the earthquake zone in Sichuan ( 70 thousand confirmed dead ) and has become an example of philanthropy with Chinese characteristics . Exactly one year ago , at the height of the controversy over the levels of air pollution reached by Chinese cities, has sold cans of fresh air to his fellow citizens . The proceeds went to charity , but his big stylized camped on the casing and a slogan : “Chen Guangbiao is a good man .”
Today she wants a U.S. newspaper . He calculated that its value does not exceed a billion dollars (in fact the NYT is listed twice ) and also claims to have already convinced a farmer to invest $ 600 million in the project. “I can be considered a maverick – he wrote in the Global Times – but this is not a joke .”