Hitachi has announced the development of the lift the world’s fastest with a rate of climb of 1,200 feet per minute , equivalent to 95 floors in about 43 seconds. The new record shatters the current one held by a lift mounted in a skyscraper in Taiwan , capable of operating at 1,010 meters / minute

. The engineers of the Japanese conglomerate , as explained , they got the high speed thanks to the development of a new and powerful engine of special cables and lighter by 30% compared to traditional ones. The elevator , in addition, uses a number twice the normal devices for vibration control to ensure stability .

The first model will be installed on a mega building of 111 floors and 530 meters high , which should be completed in 2016 in Guangzhou, China , which is the target market of global demand with a share of 60% thanks to building boom specializes in high-rise buildings .

Hitachi began producing elevators in 1968 , with a pattern from a speed of 300 meters per minute ( about 18 km / h) installed in a building in central Tokyo .