Will end 69 via Brin celebrations for the 30th anniversary dell’Avpn . Meeting Friday, May 30

Excellencies Bells Pizzafestival among the protagonists of the international event , scheduled for May 27 to 30 , organized to celebrate the 30th anniversary True Neapolitan Pizza Association .

With ” Prêt-à -porter Excellencies Bells ,” four days of events , meetings, appointments dedicated to pizza, the ‘food street Brin, chaired by Paul Squires and directed by Pasquale Buonocore , will endorsers of the event. Thanks to the collaboration of the team except he can count on : William Vuolo , one of the most admired teachers enrolled in the AVPN , chef Antonio Tubelli , the pastry chef Pasquale Marigliano , the chef Luciano Di Meo and bakers panuozzari Eugenio and Luca Manzi .

Closure of the festivities May 30 ( 20:30 pm ) with ” It ‘s easy to say excellence .” Guided by food writer Monica Piscitelli , author of “Guide to the Best Pizzerias in Naples and Campania ” , and the sommelier Thomas Luongo and Franco De Luca of the delegation of Naples, the Italian Sommelier Association , the pole dedicated to excellence celebrates the regional food and wine birthday of the oldest trade association of Neapolitan pizza .

The pizza William Vuolo meet the creations of others in order to create excellent four special and unusual pizzas, paired with four wines chosen from the cellar of Excellence Bells .

It is precisely the pizzeria Excellencies Bells, among other things, to win the favor of the public voting for the ” Best Pizzeria AVPN 2014.” Together with the other 4 choices by customers on the site of the event will now be evaluated by a jury composed of journalists and wine , which will elect the winner.

Panuozzo Gragnano , summer truffle, Mozzarella di Bufala bell bell, married to jump soup , veal carpaccio , Maccarunara of monsù . These are some of the ingredients and preparations that meet the unique mixture of Vuolo .

Raise your glasses , then , goodbye for the next edition of Pizza Festival with the premiere of Mata , the new Rosé Metodo Classico brothers Mary Ida and Tani Avallone (Villa Matilde ) .

” We are pleased to be among the protagonists of this event. – Says Paul Squires , President of Excellence Bells – Let’s celebrate together the birthday of an association that promotes and enhances one of the many Neapolitan excellence in the world. Our pole is the common home of those who make this their mission . ”