It’s called Rebekah Lee the first lady Asti, the queen crowned in Shanghai and called to represent the Asti Spumante DOCG in China. With his coronation , ended the campaign Asti Lady of the project , which is a singing contest , sponsored by the Consortium of Asti ( and completed with the help of International Insider brothers Angelo and Vincenzo Morano , a company operating on the market for years Chinese ), in which 25,000 girls have applied to become the bearer of this cake and sparkling wine in China.

The 5,000 selected competed in KTV ( karaoke rooms ) of the eight partner companies involved for eight weeks, until you get to the semi-finals on 12 October, which were identified 12 finalists who have had nearly two months to improve. At the end more than 100 accredited Chinese media , while the jury was composed by Angelo Morano , the representative in China of Asti DOCG , Wu Dan and Miss Bikini Supermodel, Mark Henry’s famous hip-hop choreographer and Harry Hui founder and president of ClearVue Universal Music China . Lee won the day after a troubled journey , made up of three challenges and a repechage . Student song and dance of Nanjing Normal University , the young man from a modest family in the province of Anhui , thanked the International Consortium of Asti DOCG Insider for ” having changed my life” , allowing her to continue their studies due allowance prize from 88,000 yuan ( over 10,000 € ) and the opportunity to spend a period of residence in the Bel Paese to discover the secrets of Asti Spumante , its land and its people .

Gianni Marzagalli , president of Asti Consortium , announced that next year the consortium will touch most Italian cities . The event was followed on TV as well as on social media seguitissimo was Chinese .