Juve arrives in Sao Paulo. The stadium was packed. It is not a match of high altitude but is not playing any. You play to Inter and Fiorentina trail that could take off. Who wins at Sao Paulo remains in the race, the loser is likely to remain mired in the depths of the standings. The teams face each other openly. Napoli is faster and try to keep pressure on the bianconeri with a suffocating press. Higuain is the man everywhere, and often sacrifice back in defense for help. The pressure is very strong. The advantage seems near. And comes.

Perfect Exchange Hamsik, Higuain serving a perfect ball-and-roll to Distinguished before Buffon who is stuck with a low shot to the right. Is the advantage of Napoli per minute 25. São Paulo in delirium. Is a good game, well played by Napoli and Juventus. You play well, you play hard but with great accuracy. 39 retail hurts Insigne and exits. In its place comes Mertens.
So ends the first half. Second time with Juve that puts more oomph and wickedness. Want to retrieve the disadvantage. The Naples does on match and 16 minutes a superb Higuain steals a ball in midfield, he flies to Buffon and shoves. No time to rejoice and Lemina shortens the distances. Changes little. Juve, Napoli pushes responding blow for blow. A great match as seen live on TV in 100 countries around the world, including China. A commercial for Italian football.