duomo milanoThe Chinese community has decided to “leave a mark” tangible evidence of its presence in the city. And what’s better if you do not make a contribution to the redevelopment of a “symbol” of Milan such as the Duomo? Thus a network of one hundred entrepreneurs, gathered in a non-profit organization, the Italian Chinese Business Association which will be presented Saturday at the city, has decided to support the campaign initiated by the Venerable Fabbrica del Duomo becoming one of the Major Gifts Initiative launched to raise funds for the restoration of the cathedral.

One hundred thousand euro figure made ​​available: the central spire is adopted, on the roof of the Duomo, right in the direction of the Royal Palace. The details will then be released next week at a press conference to be attended by more than the president of the Venerable Factory, Angelo Caloia, the president of the Italian Chinese Business Association, Aibin Mao and Vice Chairman Chen Wenxu. The participation in the “Adopt a spire” is for the Venerable Fabbrica del Duomo the beginning of the new strategy at the international level with which the institution intends to ‘cross’ the sensitivity of other countries in relation to the assets of the Duomo. The Italian Chinese Business Association was founded as a cooperation project between Italy and China, aimed at an interchange commercial, cultural and industrial between operators and entrepreneurs.adotta una guglia

“I am happy and very proud of the project for the adoption of a spire of the cathedral by the Chinese community, a project on which we worked for a year,” says Stefano Di Martino, a former city councilor, always close to the community in the role of ambassador (allocated in Beijing in 2008) for “the friendship of the Chinese people of the world.” “It’s an important signal from the Chinese community who wants to contribute to the life of the city in which it is established for a long time, lives, works and grows their own children, without severing ties with the country of origin.”