Katia Ancelotti has uttered the fateful “yes.” The daughter of the coach of Real Madrid new champion of Europe, Carlo Ancelotti, she married nutritionist Real, Benjamin Fulco in the beautiful Benedictine church of Sant’Angelo in Formis, in the presence of about 230 guests. Many friends and relatives, but quite a few celebrities and VIPs. They attended the wedding the former Napoli coach Ottavio Bianchi, some managers of Real Madrid and AC Milan, as well as the presenter Barbara Petrillo (close friend of the bride), Fabiano Santacroce with her husband, former football player of Naples and Parma. Those who have reached the Campania away from Spain stayed in a hotel on the seafront of Naples, while the couple and the family who occupied the seven exclusive rooms Tenuta San Domenico.

In the beautiful green surroundings has made its entry groom Mino Fulco shortly after 16.00, ahead of more than half an hour after the time fixed for the beginning of the ceremony (around 16.30). The bride Katie, on the other hand, as tradition has been late almost the same time and has been spotted near the church around 17:00. A Mercedes 280 SE convertible gray led her and her father Charles to the place of the ceremony, the flashing lights of photographers and dozens of cameras trained on the luxurious car. Papa Carlo could not contain himself and at one point showed the first signs of emotional collapse, becoming emotional at the side of her daughter visibly excited and smiling. Also the beautiful outdoor wedding march toward the altar on which awaited them seemingly quiet groom Mino. The latter recently part of the team Ancelotti, appearing as a nutritionist at Real Madrid.
There were about 250 guests flocked to the neighboring Tenuta San Domenico, the exclusive Relais who hosted the banquet at the ceremony posthumously. A party to say the least armored, which was attended by relatives and close friends of purely both spouses.