Over 10,000 people , almost all Chinese people, but also many foreigners , participated in the first Pizza Festival in Shanghai , the two-day that has successfully closed the week of Naples in Shanghai ” They Naples .” Considered one of the most famous food of traditional Italian cuisine , appreciated all over the world, the pizza was the star of the festival square in Shanghai. Among the promoters of the event, the Neapolitan entrepreneur Stephen Micillo , who has always supported the Neapolitan excellence in China, where it has created the famous restaurant ” Mammamia ” , which serves strictly Italian . So many entrepreneurs who have joined the initiative , Alfredo Caputo , owner of Molino Caputo, historical Neapolitan producer of flour . The Festival of Pizza , housed in the central district of Jing’An at the open area of the mall Yueda 889 , the best five pizzerias in Shanghai – for 90 % operated by Neapolitans – have baked pizzas made only with original ingredients and from Campania , of course cooked in a wood oven. The passion of the Chinese for the pizza, which has exploded in recent years , making the main food of Naples, the favorite food by young people, a food very trendy. No coincidence that the Neapolitan pizza in Shanghai and those who imitate them , are full of kids all week. The festival of the pizza, which brand and which format is being recorded and will be taken around China, saw the participation of leading Neapolitan companies in the industry. On stage , guitarist Mario Musetta and Antonio Voira , singer and presenter Campania loved and followed in China.