The mouth-watering chocolate will not be pleased to learn that , due to the increasing demand from China , as early as next year will arrive on the tables of less Italian Easter eggs, or at least smaller and more expensive.

Experts warn that the production of chocolate will be less than the demand already from 2020 , because in Asia , particularly in China , there will be more people who will buy this product , which is considered a stimulant . In China the chocolate in bars or in the cup , it has become ever more popular a product by the average citizen . Accomplice economic growth, which has allowed the increase in income , China’s chocolate is exported much more than before because more and more people can afford to buy it.

The cocoa beans , from which are derived many delicacies , for the most part come from ‘ Africa . The plantations are grown and cared for by people paid less than $ 2 a day, and it seems quite difficult, if not almost impossible, to convince African farmers to produce more. In part because they are already exploited enough , in part because their children are much more attracted by job opportunities that offer the city. This will inevitably lead to a shortage of labor .

In December, the International Cocoa Organisation has issued a worrying fact , in 2014, could be produced 150.00 tons of cocoa beans in less than the previous year . The increase in demand will inevitably lead to an increase in the price , in fact the same organization points out that the price of chocolate in March rose to $ 3,031 a tonne compared with $ 2,680 for the month of January.

Who is going to win the Ferrero, who has seen a considerable increase in sales of its famous chocolates from gold paper , of which the Chinese seem to get greedy . In this case, they played some coincidences in favor of the company of a cultural nature . In China, in fact, the spherical shape is considered auspicious , while the golden color is associated with the idea of prosperity and wealth. Good news for Ferrero then, but very bad for chocolate lovers .