On the Moon it is time to China: the five-star red flag of the People’s Republic waving in fact now on the satellite (so to say, of course) , stealing the show at the American. About the probe Chang’e -3 , roach on December 14 near the flat Sinus Iridum , or Rainbow Bay . A witness to the event, the video transmitted from the main Chinese television network , Sina, where you see the probe to take pictures of the rover Yutu (or jade rabbit ) , immortalized in the vicinity of the flag of newly planted .

From the first hot comments , the Asian superpower seems determined to claim the value of ” supranational ” enterprise. ” Space exploration is the purpose of humanity, and not a goal of a certain nation. China will share its successes lunar exploration with the whole world, and will use the knowledge gained for the benefit of all the peoples of the Earth , “reads the statement it released news agency Xinhua .

The goal reached by Chang’e -3 is certainly of great importance. It is in fact the first moon landing “soft” ( a device driven to the ground, and crashed on the satellite ) since 1976. The Chinese probe landed in an unexplored area in the northern part of the Moon, and now the oak Yutu will spend the next few months exploring the area , collecting data and images that promise the Chinese, will be shared with the scientific community around the world . Despite the renewed spirit of global brotherhood , the Chinese do not seem to have forgotten the recent disagreements with rivals NASA .