From BEIJING (China) –

Agnes Elvira for

Gone are the days of rice ? Impossible! But today, opening up a menu of any bar or restaurant Beijing International is easy to see that, in addition to the dozens of variations of the famous cereal , to become the main protagonist is – unbelievable – just pizza. It seems that the Chinese , and not only that, they go crazy . But it is equally easy to see that pizza does not mean never , or almost one in Naples. Here in Beijing hardly anyone knows what it is truly Italian pizza, and the most popular brand is exported from the U.S. giant Pizza Hut. Wherever you are , from Tian’an men in Sanlitun , just turn the corner to run into a store of this chain that boasts nearly 15,000 worldwide .
So , what is meant here is the pizza variant overseas , high , very soft and very seasoned. Double cheese, double onion , three kinds of meat and so on and so forth. But one of the most popular requests is Hawaiian , topped with mozzarella cheese , tomato and pineapple. The confession that in Italy is not exactly a common practice to place the fruit and spread on the pizza , the Chinese widened his eyes, as if we did not know what we’re talking about, and especially what we’re missing ! Tastes are tastes, but what is certain is that this nation wakes up today united by a new passion , that of fast food, and pizza, far from that food healthy, tasty and nutritious food we are used to , enter here in full into the category of ” junk food ” . And the so-called junk food is some time in the crosshairs of the government, which tries to dissuade the population , now more and more running and more in search of ‘ ” exotic ” from consuming this type of food . For a people accustomed always to healthy eating , and for which the most common diseases caused by the consumption of fatty foods , have proved only in the last few years, this is a blow . But in all that is the role of Italy and its brand pizza ? How to make pizza to the Chinese taught America , but here are still only sporadic oases , places where you can enjoy a pizza . Look for them is to find the proverbial needle in the haystack , but in the long run – who knows – the quality could be rewarded.