A difficult match especially for the psychological implications: Ghoulam who is injured on the eve of the return after breaking the crusader, Juventus who wins a little ‘doubtful, problems for Chiriches with Albion already out … On the other side the Lazio holding in punishment Felipe Anderson and saw the positive series finish.
Lazio attacked from the first minute and an error in Tonelli accomplice, unable to score in the second minute. The match comes on, victims Mertens and Allan who are mowed in area with bad fouls. Just a few minutes pass and Lorenzo Insigne missed a play in front of the goalkeeper. very physical match with Napoli that seems a bit ‘lost. Insigne tries, Mertens seems a bit tired, but then he touches Callejon who pushes Strakosha’s door. 1-1. The game becomes increasingly bad after the warning to Leiva, already the fourth hard foul, Milinkovic is to have the yellow card, hooks Callejon with a wrestling move: a hand in the face and pulls it down on the ground. Sarri protests but is removed from the field by the fourth man. Sparks also during the return to the locker room.
In the second half Napoli grinded his teeth and at 9 on an action Mertens-Callejon took the lead with an own goal. St. Paul explodes and Mertens leads the charge to the choir for Ghoulam. Two minutes later Mario Rui scored his first goal at the San Paolo. It is 3-1 for Napoli. Just like on the way.
the game continues to be marked by biancocelesti phalluses so much so that Inzaghi substitutes Leiva before he is expelled.
Napoli continues to attack: Allan is a warrior, Zielinski just entered the triangle with Rui and Insigne in a small space then touches Hysaj to make a great shot saved by the Lazio goalkeeper. At 72 ‘is Mertens after a wonderful action to score the goal of 4-1, needless to say also dedicated to Ghoulam. For now, exactly as in the first leg of the Olimpico: Lazio’s first goal with De Vrj, then 4 goals from Napoli.
Insigne is now looking for the goal with insistence: splendid ball by Mertens, a beautiful shot but Strakosha once again tells him no. High level game, from English football.