The crime writer Maurizio de Giovanni was one of the protagonists of the cultural highlights of the event “They Naples ” in Shanghai. The writer has been involved in a confrontation with the well-known Chinese author Qiu Xiaolong noir , organized by the Italian Consulate General in Shanghai and the Italian Cultural Institute . On this occasion I was able to meet him and to grant me a short interview in which he revealed a small scoop or the Commissioner of De Giovanni Ricciardi will come on TV, when you do not know it yet, but the script even if only at the beginning is in the works .

How was your first impression of Shanghai?
I confess I was not surprised , since the announcement of this city is true. There is a wild ride to the West, and yet there is a strong presence of the tradition, which , however, is preserved . It is this tradition appears inconsistent with what the city seems to be an external point of view . It ‘clear the contact between two different ages , although one is not been absorbed other.
And ‘ here for the review ” They Naples ,” which intends to present business and Neapolitan culture in Shanghai. How is living this experience?
Needless to say that I am proud and conscious of the fact that this event has come at a time when Italy is going through an important moment. Naples is a port, it is both welcoming and ready to welcome those who will carry on their traditions . To me, the ideal city to be the ambassador of Italy. Also, I think between Naples and Shanghai there is a certain proximity , as are two realities in strong growth in their respective nations .
He believes that Naples and Shanghai have points in common ?
I would say no . No environmental things that make you feel at home. Napoli is more homogeneous , for example poor areas are closer to those rich , while, for example , in Shanghai there is a much more unrestrained luxury . What they like is probably the proximity of contrasts .
What do you think are the five positive and negative things to Shanghai?
Start with the positive : there is no time for services, you can do anything at any time. The people are very friendly and professional . I was very struck traditional food. I found the beautiful Art Nouveau architecture in the city and finally Italians living in Shanghai . Among the negative things , I would put the coffee on all . Then the taxi drivers and driving in general , smells particularly insightful on the street and the heavy pollution .
Ambienterebbe one of his novels here ?
Yes, because it is an interesting city with so many unseen , who are the protagonists ideal for me .
Speaking of his novels , will also come to China?
This is not simple, because the Chinese market is closed, and so it is not easy to bring a book here . I hope to do something in the future , since I have had several contacts with Chinese publishers and authors , so we have to wait .
And speaking of the future, what awaits her after this experience in Shanghai ?
My new book will be released soon , that is in late November . 27 I will make an official presentation of the Feltrinelli Napoli and then I’ll be around to promote it. Next, I will also be working on a television project , the script for a TV series produced by RAI , which for the time being , however, is still in its infancy .