at 20 to 26 October in Naples back “MilleunaCina. languages ​​of contemporary”, the fourth edition of the festival organized by the Confucius of the University of Naples “L’Orientale”, under the high patronage of the President of the Republic, with the patronage of the City of Naples and the Industrial Union of Naples, in collaboration with the Department of Culture and Tourism of the Municipality of Naples, the PAN, the Superintendence for Architectural Heritage, Landscape, Historical, Artistic and Ethno-anthropological Heritage Naples and Province, the Academy of Fine Arts and the Mercadante Teatro Stabile di Napoli. A full calendar of events will tell us what is in the China Dream: the “Dream of Butterfly” of the Chinese thinker Zhuangzi to the “Chinese Dream” contemporary (zhongguo meng) that President Xi Jinping adopted as a political project, which immediately evokes the slogan ‘American Dream.

“Our reflection – says Annamaria Palermo, creator of the event and director of the Confucius Institute – start from the reasons why the government decided to give priority to the dream as a political project and the ability to carry out the wishes of individuals. With the aim to understand the present by analyzing the past, we will investigate the topos of the dream, that of the Chinese thinker Zhuangzi in the fourth century. BC, borrowed from philosophy and psychoanalysis to Freud and Lacan, and ending with the “Chinese dream” launched more or less a decade ago by the government. Once again, politics and propaganda draw on the rich cultural heritage to control the psychology of the “masses” to whom he turned Mao. All this – he concludes – always in the context of a fruitful confrontation with the West, and thus with us, we will try to tell it from the inside, with the eye of the Chinese themselves, and from the outside, thanks to the sensibility of intellectuals and artists Italians who have had a chance to look at China with admiration, but also with a critical spirit. ”

This year’s edition is enriched by unique moments.
The exhibition “The Remedy”, the painter Zhang Yanzi, which will be in Naples for the inauguration, October 21 at 12, says with a critical eye the contemporary world through the ink. The exhibition remains open until 26 October.
The exhibition of Fabio Donato, Neapolitan photographer, with his shots recounts his journey in China: The View from the West: 10 Chinese artists at the Academy of Fine Arts in Naples (from 21 – 11 November 18- opening hours)
The performance at the Teatro Stabile di Napoli of the play represented the most advanced in the last 10 years, 25 (20.30) and 26 October (17.30) “Rhinoceros in Love” by Liao Yimei directed by Meng Jinghui. The director will meet with the public on Friday, October 24th at 10:00 am at Books and Cafe Teatro Mercadante.
The opportunity to discover films valuable and little-known, in an afternoon dedicated to the dimension of dreams in Chinese cinema classic, with a lecture on the topic and, followed by the screening of the film in China in the 30s Palazzo Roccella (PAN ) Friday, October 24, at 17:00.
Each of the chosen themes are presented in the Neapolitan places full of history, as the eighteenth-century court theater of the Royal Palace (Wednesday, October 22, 19,30) that will host the reading on the theme of dreams in literature Dreams and visions in the large Middle Country with the participation of Maddalena Crippa, Cristina Donadio, Iaia Forte, Andrea Renzi, Gaia Rest; or the Bourbon Tunnel, which will host the exhibition dedicated to the “Tianjin International Design Week”, the international design week in Tianjin, preceded by a panel discussion on The Dream of the Neapolitan design in Tianjin (Thursday, October 23, 18.00)
Last but not least, MilleunaCina will conclude the event guarracini pe ‘sea fish and mandarin oranges in caramel with a cooking competition between two renowned Chef, one in Naples and one Chinese, the magical scenery of the Gulf of Naples, at the foot of the Palazzo Donn’Anna. In the jury gastronome TV star chinese Dai Aiqun, the journalist and writer Anthony Fiore Colella Amedeo (Sunday, October 26, 21,00)
At the inauguration ceremony will take place of delivery of the first edition of the International Matteo Ripa (founder of the College of Chinese in Naples in 1732) to Madame Xu Lin, Consultant to the Council of State, General Headquarters of the Confucius Institutes and Director General of Hanban.

The full program can be viewed on the website