It’s China’s emerging market for Italian wine and Tuscan , that of the national production is already an elite brand . And ‘ what emerged at a conference held in Montepulciano (Siena ), sponsored Confucius Institute of Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna of Pisa, from the library archive ‘ Piero Calamandrei ‘ and the University for Foreigners of Siena together with other partners to help manufacturers to focus eastward their marketing strategies. According to the latest estimates , in 2020 China will become the largest consumer of wine in the world , but today devotes particular attention to the wine , considering , in particular, the red one, as an alternative much more ‘ healthy ‘ and stylish than other beverages alcoholic and , above all, a strong aggregation tool and a gift of the class.

” In 2013 – explains Peter Tonutti , professor of general arboriculture and tree crops at the Sant’Anna – Italy has confirmed the main producer of wine in the world ( with 45 billion hectoliters ) reaching only France ( 44.1 ) . The Italian wine production accounts for 17 % worldwide and 30% in Europe , for a total value of almost EUR 9 billion . But the main fact is that for the first time exports exceed the threshold of EUR 5 billion of value of wine sold abroad : 20 billion hectoliters , slightly less than half of the national production ”

. And China is among the countries where we feel the greater dynamism , Tonutti concludes , ” with one of the most intense growth per capita , because today is the country with the highest overall consumption of red wine ( increase of 140% compared to 2008), and according to some estimates will , by 2020 , the largest consumer of wine in the world .”