A film competition ( Zoran , my idiot nephew Matthew Oleotto ) ; a real star in the international jury chaired by John Woo (Maria Grazia Cucinotta and Asia is home and that China has produced his last film ) ; the restored version of Open City proposed by the Bologna Cinematheque ; six titles in the special ” focus” wanted by the Italian Festival to complement the traditionally made by French cinema ; five projects co-production invited to the Film Market . This is the positive balance of the presence of Italian cinema at the fourth Festival in Beijing that has just ended . For our authors and producers , the event was a platform especially crucial at the moment of maximum internationalization of the Chinese market , which is going to be the second in the world.

The first test of Italian cinema on the “Silk Road ” films were presented in the Focus , chosen by the festival as part of the independent production in recent years, with particular attention to genres, characters, settings , able to intrigue the audience. It has gone well from the stories of immigration / emigration My class (Daniel Gaglianone ) and Itaker (Tony Trupia ) to social melodrama Flea there by Giuseppe Bonito , from the yellow of the author of The Girl by the Lake (Andrea Molaioli ) to the generational comedy Easy! (Francesco Bruni ) , up colorful thriller at the Manetti Bros Song ‘ and Napule who closed the show with a “sold out” punctuated by laughter and applause . But curiosity and comments came every night to a loyal audience that has not missed any of the screenings and hit all the filmmakers in attendance for the passion and composition , strongly rooted in the new generation of Chinese viewers .

Even more significant is the finding of our producers are committed to verify the potential of an exchange on the floor of the stories and investment projects between Italian and Chinese cultural context . From Beijing back with a number of partners involved in the development of new projects , to date at least six, which can be transformed into concrete achievements by the end of the year. In those days it was already officially announced the remake of ” boys versus girls ” , co-produced by Cristiano Bortone Orisa with Pictures and Road Huay Brothers ( a distribution giant that will bring the film in theaters ) . It will probably be one of the first films to benefit from the effects of the Treaty of co-production between Italy and China where the implementing rules will be ratified soon, perhaps as early as the beginning of June . These are the first , concrete signs of the ” China Project ” (implemented by Anica for the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and for the ” Made in Italy ” of the Ministry of Economic Development ), born to create a stable relationship between the exchange two film .

At the ” China Project ” – coordinated by journalist and critic George Gose , made by Anica that there is a dedicated project manager in Rome that a ” desk” in Beijing specializing active from 2013 – cooperate with many associations and institutions of Italian cinema: from Light Cinecittà 100 authors, from Ice to Unefa , the Film Commission at the National Film School , with the constant support of the Italian Embassy in the Republic of China. After a day of discussion to be held in Milan on May 8, as part of a collaboration between Anica and the Italy-China Foundation , the upcoming events will coincide with the announced visit to China by Chairman of the Board , Matteo Renzi, in June and then with selections Festival in Shanghai , where every year Filmitalia ( Cinecittà Luce ) follows inter alia, in agreement with ICE, a qualified landscape of contemporary Italian cinema .