From today, the windows of the 400 stores of Italian Oval will be covered by the word “censored .” And ‘ the reaction of the market leader in the field of electronic cigarettes, the provision contained in the new law that effectively treats electronic cigarettes tobacco and then , consequently, prohibits any form of advertising or promotion. Not only can no longer be advertising on television , in newspapers or on radio, but even you can not distribute leaflets or set up shop windows. < img src = " http://www.chinaples.com/wp-content/uploads/vetrina - censored - 300x224.jpg "alt = " "title = " showcase censored "width = " 300 " height =" 224 "class =" aligncenter size- medium wp -image- 10659 " />

“That’s why today, as in the windows should disappear electronic cigarettes , we will cover the windows with the word” censored ” , and the reasons why we believe that this is a real censorship” says the president of the European Association of retailers Oval, Giovanni Ascione . “That measure – he continues – that looks like a real gift to the tobacco lobby , not only tries to annihilate the field of electronic cigarette through the duties that produce unsustainable costs , but prohibits the opportunity to talk about our products , to explain how they are used and hence the reason I’m in complete and utter contrast than traditional cigarettes . Forbids us to communicate new technologies , the progress you are making in the field , studies . What we have tried to make it through even the advertising is communication at the service of those who decide to get closer to the electronic cigarette , those who want to attempt to quit smoking . ”

According to the company Oval the law is confused and contradictory , and to date, despite being immediately enforceable from the date of publication , were not given more guidance and clarification on what you can do and what is not allowed, leaving in limbo operators industry already in serious trouble because of the continuing negative publicity and the announcement of the tax of 58.5 % from January 2014. ” What they are doing is very similar to the gag that often tries to put the freedom of information , the one that bothers you. We have bothered to tobacco lobbyists who have lost some customers . We did not bother because we left without any fear that scientists esaminassero our products , we have provided the analysis and research of benefit to understand the content, scope and effects of electronic cigarettes Oval . Analysis and researches say that those who smoke electronic cigarettes Oval with the maximum permitted by the nicotine (16 milligrams) assimilates only a third of the nicotine that smoking a traditional cigarette would assume that, moreover, develops carcinogens through the burning of paper and tobacco ” .