The emotions , the rhythms are always the same , the lack of freedom , fears , waste , loneliness, and especially the search for love , without moralizing, in a mental hospital in southern China where male ” when time stops , what life looks like .”
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Many stories of people suffering from mental distress , marginalized from the simple to the killer , the Chinese filmmaker Wang Bing, last year’s winner of the prize for the Lido Horizons with Three sisters , collects in 3 hours and 48 minutes of Feng Ai ( ‘ Til Madness Do Us Part ‘ ) the documentary presented out of competition at the Venice Film Festival . ” At first we were afraid of the reaction they might have patients to see each turn . In fact, right at the beginning wondered why a stranger came from the north themselves there every day . But it took a little getting used to. After a week I decided to focus on what the story of the sick – says the filmmaker , used to run with the bone crew and minimal resources – . I have created a relationship with them , did not see them more as sick, when we talked about was how quiet conversations with old friends. Only one of the patients once attacked the operator , in a moment of crisis, but then he immediately apologized .” For Wang Bing is vital ” when I make documentaries do not disturb, disrupt or manipulate what you see . You should get into the lives of those stories .” The director, born in 1967, considers the film ” video material that creates its own form through bodies and objects . My goal is to help people that I speak to express that beauty .”

His films, shot sometimes without the permission of the authorities, as the moat ( in competition at Venice in 2010) on forced labor camps where they were imprisoned dissidents in the ’50s, ” does not have distribution in China . Has anyone been able to see them at home on pirated DVD … abroad , in countries such as France and Japan, however they arrive .”