A Chinese child 5 years old entered the Guinness Book of World Records after only a light aircraft piloted by a park in Beijing. The child , He Yede , flew last Saturday for 35 minutes, covering a distance of 30 km, flying over the Beijing Wildlife Park in the district of Daixing then return to the aerodrome from which he started. The flight was strongly supported by his father , He Liesheng already jumped to the headlines again for other companies who have seen starring his son. < img src =" "alt = " "title = " child - pilot - cina_305x380 "width = " 240 " height =" 300 "class =" aligncenter size- medium wp -image- 10773 " />
During the flight on a device weighing 100 pounds, Duoduo was accompanied by an instructor pilot but held his hands extended out of the cockpit and clearly visible from the ground to show that there was only a child at the controls . The father, Mr. He Liesheng , 44, is rather well known in China: it is called ” Eagle Dad ” and has subjected the child to a series of extreme tests : a yacht race in August of 2012 and an ascent of 15 hours on Mount Fuji in Japan a month later.
Despite the controversy , Mr. He says his system of education is correct and would suggest to other parents , after the huge success of the type ” Tiger Mom ,” the Chinese mother which requires children multitude of cultural activities extracurricular claiming excellent results with an iron fist. Even in China, has opened a debate on these educational challenges : Duoduo ‘s father says that his son is fond of airplanes and cars , and he does nothing but develop these attitudes . He assured : “We have taken all precautions , your child’s safety comes first .” His family was split , with the aunts and grandmothers who do not agree . The uncles instead support him , “I think our school is based too much on textbooks and neglects the attitudes of young people and the need to compare them with real challenges ,” said the brother of He Liesheng .
It also discusses the Net, on Sina Weibo , the Chinese Twitter , “This Father Aquila thinks only of his interests, ignores the feelings of a child of five years” ; “Even as a child I dreamed of flying, but I did not have the ‘ occasion : Duoduo lucky that he has a father brave and sensible . ” Xiong Bingqi , commentator on the problems of children , writes: ” The essence of education is communication .”