According to the traditional Chinese astronomy, the equinoxes and solstices occur at the center , and not to the ‘ start of the respective season . This allows you to place the longer days in the summer and the days are shorter in winter. Spring and autumn have within them the days characterized by change.
The Chinese Spring begins on the day when the sun is between the winter solstice and the spring equinox , around 3 to 4 February , the Chinese summer starts on 5-6 May .

The spring equinox is the heart of the spring season , having the center on 20-21 March. On this particular day the sun is at exactly 0 ° longitude , and day and night are of equal duration.
On the day of the vernal equinox , there has been in China for so long a traditional ceremony , a ritual sacrifice to the sun. The ceremony was held at the Park of the Temple of the Sun, where a sacrificial altar was erected by Emperor Jiajing in 1530 during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) . In the morning, a band of traditional musical instruments began to play . The Emperor and his ministers walked slowly through the western gate to the altar, where the Emperor would kneel to the tablet of the God of Light, a solar deity . So , the Emperor offered jade objects and silk fabrics as a tribute and demonstration of his respect and gratitude for the sun. Meanwhile, 64 dancers performed choreography civilian and military sides of the altar . The spectators, who were not ordinary people, which were not allowed to participate , they took part in the ceremony , beating their breasts in order to offer prayers to the sun.
The tradition was interrupted in 1843 during the Qing Dynasty .
The spring equinox is the day that represents the quality of the plant’s energy , the energy of growth , the energy of renewal of our life . The best time to plant a tree .