A long standing ovation acclaimed for more than ten minutes, the Bellini’s Norma with the direction of Maestro Enrico Castiglione , represented for the first time in China in Shenzhen thanks to the Festival Bellini in Catania. A representation continually interrupted by applause several times that they have stopped executing .

It ‘ been a real success for the personnel director Enrico Castiglione, who had the merit of bringing for the first time in China Vincenzo Bellini ‘s masterpiece , almost unknown in these parts. Its setting has hit the mark the drama , but also the breathtaking beauty of the music and melody of the wealth of this composer from Catania described by local reviews as ” a true prince of bel canto century .”

For soprano Rachel Stasnisci , to debut in China , the only Italian in the cast formed by Chinese singers , it was a triumph achieved with the air immediately ” Casta Diva” , acclaimed by the public. Excellent proof of Zhang Xueliang content , with a powerful voice and shrill , but the cast certainly deserves a special praise Chinese mezzo-soprano Qiu Ying excellent Adalgisa .

The Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra gave proof of his skill under the direction of Fu Renchang careful and scrupulous , who directed the entire work with an air of decided and energetic. But Castiglione Shenzhen thanked the teacher for this “first ” historic moment will be followed by a long association with the great Italian director .

Nie Bing, chairman of Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra after the great success of Norma said: ” We are truly honored to have hosted for the first time in Shenzhen Maestro Enrico Castiglione , great director and artistic director of the Italian designer Festivasl Bellini of Catania and Taormina Arte . When we saw his production of Norma in Taormina in 2009 we started a project to bring its production here and now we have succeeded. It said that the success of our choice was right . And it was a “first time” special as the Norma by Vincenzo Bellini had never been represented in China and we are proud to have done us together in Castiglione here in Shenzhen . ”

” When President Nie Bing , inviting me – said they were satisfied by Enrico Castiglione – told me that Norma would have represented for the first time in China , I could not believe it! But I am particularly proud to have represented the work of Bellini for the first time in China, in Shenzhen , a city awesome , from 14 million people, a third of China. Having the privilege and the honor of ” debut ” with my director and the production of Bellini Festival is a historic milestone , we propose to extend to all the other works of Vincenzo Bellini. But it is also a confirmation of the success and consolidation of our international Belliniano Festival , I was refounded in 2009, again on the rise and an example of efficiency and productivity. ”

During the last press conference was then announced an exceptional collaboration between China and the Bellini Festival , which every year bring in the next three years of Bellini’s work in China and work of the great Italian operatic repertoire , compared to a budget by a pool of producers and theaters Chinese 2.000,000,00 euro in total .

“Our Festival Belliniano kind should not pay anything to go to China , but we are guests and as such we are treated , as opposed to wasting public money institutions that move only if they have the Italian public money to go abroad . We, the fifth edition of the Festival Bellini , instead we are invited to bring the music of Bellini and the art of Italian bel canto around the world : and this is the substance of our work and the winning brand of our festival . ” It will move tourist flows from China to attend the Festival of Bellini Enrico Castiglione that will take place , as has become tradition , between Taormina and Catania.